January 30, 2014

just a thought
by Emily Jane

Every year my husband and I set resolutions for the new year, individually and together. Some are easy to keep, some are easier just to break. Either way, it is important to set resolutions or goals for yourself before you begin any new endeavor. However, it is important to be realistic.

Last year, I was productive in starting Dorothy Jane. However, I wish I had accomplished more. I didn't do a very good job of setting goals or keeping them.

So one of my personal new year resolutions was to establish new year resolutions for Dorothy Jane. And I did it . . .
I am already off to a great start this year. I have signed up for 2 courses to learn the Art of Letterpress. I am progressing on my Wedding Collection. With this blog post, I will have a bonus resolution of blogging twice a month. I will, of course, elaborate on all of these in later posts.

Something that is important to me however, is to give back to charities that are close to my heart. My grandparents were extremely giving people, always helping those in need. So throughout the year, I will highlight several special charities that are near and dear to me.

Diabetes is a serious disease that has afflicted several members of my family. One of whom is my dad. So in honor of him, I donated $25 to the American Diabetes Association®. I strongly encourage everyone to learn more about the disease. The more we know, the greater chance we have to prevent millions of Americans from suffering.

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